Daily Newspaper "THE MANILA TIMES"
July 2018
Andreas Krämer was interviewed in an issue in July 2018 of the Daily Newspaper THE MANILA TIMES, the oldest daily newspaper in the philippines. Read the article of the Manila Times here "Heads up: Baldness is a thing of the past".
December 2016
Hairforlife Andreas Krämer is interviewed by the business magazine in the issue of December 2016 on the subject of beard transplantation. Likewise, Hairforlife provided the magazine with meaningful image material for this issue so that the planning of a beard hair transplantation could be clearly demonstrated.
August 2015
Andreas Kraemer interviewed from the german Manager Magazine.
24th of January 2015
Andreas Kraemer interviewed by "Der Spiegel" about the hair transplant of celebrities and about cheap hair transplant in Turkey.
12th of August 2014
Andreas Krämer was interviewed by DIE WELT regarding celebrities and hair transplants.
30th of January 2014
"20 Minutes" - the largest daily newspaper in Switzerland interviewed Andreas Krämer regarding "beard transplants in vogue".
"SCHLAGLICHT" TV Report SWR/Tagesschau 24/Eins Plus
10th of September 2013
SWR TV report "Schlaglicht" by Sabine Harder "Each hair counts - from the fight against hair loss" from 10.09.2013. Seen in SWR, Eins Plus and Tagesschau 24, the digital channel from ard.
The video is not longer in the ARD Archive. Please watch the short version of SWR Marktcheck.
SWR "Marktckeck"
5th of September 2013
SWR Marktcheck.
ZDF "Drehscheibe"
21th of August 2012
ZDF "Drehscheibe" Germany.
Tv Health Magazine "check UP" TELE ZÜRI
23th of January 2012
TELE ZUERI "check UP" Switzerland.
12th of Dezember 2011
The Health Magazin "Puls" shows the Hair Transplant result of "Marco". Marco was seen first in the TV Report of the 01/17/2011 (video "Puls" 01/17/2011) after having an individual consultation in the office from Hairforlife in Switzerland with Andreas Krämer and then got an FUE Hair Transplant from Dr. Lars Heitmann, Zurich/Switzerland.
Left side: Dr. Lars Heitmann, right side: Andreas Krämer, which answered the questions of the TV Show viewers regarding Hairloss and Hair Transplant as phone experts.
TV Documentary "betrifft: Nur keine Glatze! - Was mach ich gegen Haarausfall?"
12th of February 2007
TV Documentary "betrifft: Nur keine Glatze! - Was mach ich gegen Haarausfall?" from Wolfgang Luck. Andreas Krämer has been interviewed. Wolfgang Luck`s Documentary was shown on TV 04/21/2008 in 3SAT, 12/02/2007 in ARD, 11/26/2007 and 11/27/2007 in SWR.
SAT 1 "The Magazine"
17th of Dezember 2007
German TV Show "SAT 1 am Abend"
11th of September 2006
TV Show "Sat 1 am Abend" Germany.